Thursday, November 1, 2007


It's a pleasant surprise to find that people other than family have taken the time to read some posts from this blog, and I appreciate the comments received.

One of these people is Loie, a friend from church whom I mentioned in an earlier post because she was gracious enough to watch the kids on my birthday. Thankfully she didn't think the kids were too awful, because she agreed to babysit once a month so that I can attend my synod's monthly Assembly Meetings.

Not only was this extremely kind of her, but when she came by last time she brought grapefruit, because she had read my previous post about how the kids like grapefruit.

In her generosity she brought three, one for each of us, so that we could each have our own for a change. There was two small ones for the kids, and then she found a large one that she said was for me.

The reason I'm mentioning all this is mainly for Loie's sake, because I thought she'd appreciate Sofi's reaction to her gift at breakfast this morning.

Because today I decided I'd like to have some grapefruit for breakfast, and I decided "Yeah, I would like one just for myself", I took out two and set them on the table. Since one was for me I picked the large one and then one small one for the kids.

Before I could finish my cereal Sofi was all excited. The name grapefruit seems to elude her for some reason, and she keeps referring to them as mangoes (which she also loves). As she put it: "This mango is for Sofi" (pointing to the smaller one, and then to the bigger one) "...and this one is for Daddy... and Sofi." Actually, if you want it to sound more like Sofi, it would be faster, like this: "ThisMangoIsForSofi..AndThisOneIsForDaddy... AndSofi."

As you can see, Sofi wanted to make sure she had a claim on both grapefruits. Poor Isaac wasn't on her radar, but it turns out he wasn't too interested this time. Isaac was actually upset with the grapefruit this time around, but I don't think it was because he didn't like it. He just saw the cereal bowl it was in, and I think he wanted cereal instead, so he refused to eat the grapefruit until the very end when it dawned on him that he wasn't going to be offered any cereal from Dad's cereal bowl.

Sofi kept very close tabs on me during the entire sharing process, and let me know if I took two sections of grapefruit instead of sharing every other section. And after the juice was squeezed out into a glass (and drank entirely by my daughter) Sofi looked at the kitchen counter, looked at me, and announced "There'sAnotherMangoIfYouWantAnotherMango—I'mNotFullYet!"

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