Isaac's 11th Month
- Started waving
- Lots of foods now
- Liked chard for a day, but only a day (think he preferred it warm)
- Likes peas again
Has 6 teeth
Still fairly easy going, but no longer a push over. Used to take anything his sister would dish out, but no longer. Complains LOUDLY when Sofi starts getting on his nerves, which is usually because she is physically in his face, squeezing him and chartering away about something.
Crawls everywhere, and will pull himself up on anything.

Has started to climb up on things. Likes to climb onto the hearth around the fire place, and into the dishwasher. Very persistent about climbing into the dishwasher, which makes it very difficult to load and empty the dishwasher. Can climb up a couple steps, and even figured out how to climb down the steps outside the front door (took a couple of practice attempts, but he figured it out).
Though he is easy going, he screeches VERY LOUDLY whenever he wants something.
Still not sleeping through the night. If he doesn't wake earlier (often at midnight or one, ugh!) he will wake at 4am and will want to nurse/have a bottle.
Still loves to play peek-a-boo.
Very interested in dogs, especially Grandma Ardelle's dog Foxy.
For more photos of Isaac click here...
Couple of things I forgot...
He LOVES bouncing, especially in the bouncy seat that we hang from the door frame. He'll go for an hour or more in that and not complain.
He loves toilet paper as well, and has begun to unravel it whenever possible. In honor of this milestone we've begun putting the toilet paper on the counter top.
Has started pointing at things. It is almost as if he is saying "Look at THAT! What is THAT!"
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