Monday, September 15, 2008

Who's the Boss

Sofia has been, as of late, preoccupied with who is the boss. It did not take her long to decide that we, the parents, are the boss. But that doesn't mean that she found the conclusion satisfactory. Occasionally there is protest: "You are NOT the boss!" Occasionally there is reassignment: "I'm the boss." Occasionally there is favoritism: "Mom is the boss."

One evening at supper when it was just I and the kids the topic came up again. And I suggested that perhaps what she needed was a "Kids Are Boss Day".

So I asked her, "What day do you want to do that?"


"I'm thinking sometime next week. What day would you like: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday?"

A slight pause, a tilt of the head, and then: "Both."

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