Saturday, January 9, 2010

Girls Night

One more blog post from my sister in regards to the weekend with her neice....

I have started a tradition with Sofi since she was two of having a "Girls Night" around the Holiday season. This is a time when Sofi and I get to hang out by rules, menu, snacks and movie of choice finished with a trip to Macy's Eighth Floor Exhibit the next day!

We make a trip to Blockbuster to pick the movie out. Of course, when in line, she asks for some candy. She shows me the coolest sucker comes with a container for your sucker so you don't have to eat it all at once! I give IS girls night after all and what is a good girls night without candy? Upon purchasing it I notice that it has a Hanna Montana sticker on it. I give it back to Sofi and tell her I know why she has purchased it. Of course curious, she asks why. I tell her it's because it's shiny and pink and Hanna Montana is selling it. She smiles and tells me she isn't going to tell her dad about the sucker and she's going to hide the container from him. I laugh.

After we get home I ask her why she isn't going to tell her dad, I say there is nothing to hide concerning the sucker. It's girls night and I'm in charge!
She tells me that her dad doesn't like Hanna Montana. Of course, curious, I ask why.
Sofi says; "I don't know, he's picky....and weird".

I laugh and smile and think to myself.... I knew it!

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