Isaac's First Birthday
- Started cruising
- Took his first steps the last couple of weeks (Resists being set down to sit. When I try to set him down, he tries to remain standing and then wants you to hold his hands so that he can try walking.)
- Started pointing. It's kinda like a game of distraction, as if he's saying "Hey, quick, look over there!"
Along with the above milestones, he continues to climb up onto anything he possibly can. Constantly climbing on the hearth still, to the point that we are starting to realize that he is doing this simply because he knows he shouldn't. He looks at you with the side-ways glance as if to say "Are you watching, because I'm heading towards the hearth, and you don't want me to!" As if he knows and loves that he is doing something he isn't suppose to. Also started climbing up onto the toilets, giving him even better access to everything we originally put on the back of the toilet to keep out of his reach in the first place.
In the same vein, we've started to store our toilet paper and kleenex at higher and higher altitudes, because he has started to unload and unravel whatever he can get his hands on.
He has 8 teeth, perhaps more (he doesn't really let you get a good look at them when you really want to).
We've started brushing his teeth with an actual toothbrush, instead of using a wash cloth (it really hurt when he bit down!). The first couple of times we used a brush he was very still, as if amazed that he was being treated like the rest of us.
Likes to eat mandarin oranges, grapefruit, bananas, cheese, especially cottage cheese.
No longer interested in breast feeding, which Mary has mixed emotions about.
To go along the above, Isaac has now figured out how to hold a bottle on his own, and even how to hold it up so that milk flows down (this latter part had escaped him before).
His ability to wave has turned into the ability to use sign language. But he uses the same sign for EVERYTHING, so it is pretty much meaningless. The sign he knows, because I use it for him quite a bit and because it is a lot like how he waves, is the sign for "all done". But when he wants "more" food, he signs "all done". And when I sign to him to "stop", he signs back "all done".
Mary thinks he's a "Daddy's boy" because he keeps saying "DaDa" all the time. The thing is he says that for EVERYTHING, not just for me. He calls dogs "DaDa". He calls Grandma Ardelle "DaDa". But Mary does have a point... he doesn't use "MaMa" to refer to anything. Sofi was the direct opposite of this... she used "MaMa" for everything.
Like his Dad, he enjoys tech-toys already, especially our mobile phones.
Click here if you'd like to see more of his birthday photos.
If you can think of anything else that Isaac has done/accomplished this past month, or if you would like to reminicse about Isaac's first year, please feel free to add a comment below (for those of you who view this blog on the website)....
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