Santa Drawing

We were headed to Red Wing today, to go there to celebrate Isaac's birthday with "Gramma D" and "Papa". Sofi was ready to go LONG before I ever was. In fact, she got herself ready around 9am, though I wasn't planning our departure until 3pm. At 9am she put her jacket on, put her boots on, and declared herself ready to go in the car. I declared that doing so would be a long and cold wait.
But Sofi was determined, and a compromise was struck. So while I packed, Sofi sat in the car in anticipation of her travels. I'm not actually sure why the eagerness... it isn't like she is incredibly well behaved in the car, and she doesn't travel like she is exactly enjoying herself. Usually there is some whining for this and that, and the putting out of small fires in our regard.
But while she waited patiently in the car for me to finish packing, Sofi drew on her etch-a-sketch.
She showed me her last drawing after I was done packing, and what I found amazing is that for the first time that I can recall, she actually tried drawing something she could see. As she told me, "It's Isaac's Santa!" And sure enough, it was. She drew Isaac's Santa toy that was sitting next to her in the car. The Santa in the drawing has a belt, just like the toy, but what is more telling is the round body, which is not only like the toy, but is something Sofi doesn't usually draw---usually the legs attach directly to the head.
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