Sofi's First Dentist Visit

Eating fish.
Getting shots from a really long needle.
Waiting in line at the DMV.
These are a few of my less favorite things.
And that is fine.
What isn't so fine, as I've come to realize as a father, is casually nurturing a similar dislike in my children. I want them to try what the world has to offer on their own, and make their up their own minds and form their own decisions.
So it was with this in mind that I took Sofi to the dentist today.
I'd done several things in preparation. We visited the office the day before, so her first trip could be a "non-event" and she could get a feel of what it looked like and what to expect. And, as is my usual prescription for a new experience, we checked out books about visiting the dentist.
And boy did I have to keep my mouth shut. While reading these books they all basically go through a typical visit, and go through the different tools the dentist will use. Pretty much ALL of them said that the tool they use to brush your teeth "tickles". Tickles? Are they kidding me? That thing that spins at high revolutions and grinds the awful tasting fluoride into my teeth? If that's tickles, why don't I giggle? And all the books mention cavities, and how they are fixed, but don't even try to explain how it feels. Thankfully Sofi had no cavities. But they didn't take x-rays (that comes during the next visit I guess), so that possibility may be drawing near. I suppose all kids get cavities eventually.
Sofi did extremely well. She even did it all without me---I waited in the waiting room filling out new patient paperwork (I didn't bring Isaac... if Sofi didn't enjoy her experience Isaac was the last person I would want to see that). She came back smiling, with a sticker on her shirt, holding a balloon, a small toy horse, a Polaroid, and a new tooth brush. I joked that I must not be a very good patient, because they only give me the toothbrush. Of course, it wouldn't matter if they did give me all that stuff---I'd still hate going.
At least Sofi has formed her on thoughts about the dentist, and they appear to be positive.
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