Right now things in this household are not as they usually are.
It started out normally enough. Mary biked to work this morning to teach voice lessons. I took Sofia to vacation bible school at Betsy and Doug's church. We had to pull Sofia out early though, because she had a dentist appointment. So while Sofi was at VBS for an hour or so, Isaac and I ran some errands: I purchased dates for next year (season tickets to the local university's theatrical productions), tried to get my wedding ring polished (the jeweler who made it is no longer there... I think the shop is a restaurant now), and cashed some checks at the bank. It was during this last errand that Isaac fell asleep in the car (thank God for drive thrus!).
We then picked up Sofi from VBS and headed to the dentist for her appointment. It's this dentist appointment that has made things unusual I think. Part of it is because this isn't a cleaning; it's to fix a cavity. Sofi had a cleaning a couple of weeks ago, and the dentist discovered two cavities. So she had one of them drilled and filled today. The other is scheduled for next week.
I was extremely nervous. Behaving for a cleaning is one thing. For a drilling it's another. I was thinking that perhaps they'd want me in the back with her, to keep her comforted, and I was worrying about Isaac and what he'd think of the dentist if he saw Sofi screaming and crying. I was debating a quick call to Ardelle to see if she'd watch him, so that Isaac wouldn't have to see his sister go through all this. But the receptionist at the front desk said things usually go better if the parent(s) don't come back with the child. So Isaac just waited with me out front, wandering in and out of the front door to occasionally look at the mopeds parked out there (he was very interested in them).
And in the end the receptionist was right. Sofi came out of the dentist office looking just fine, perhaps a bit swollen in her right cheek. She had no complaints, no tears.
And now we are home, and Sofi went straight to her room, put on her pajamas, asked me to read her a book, and eventually fell asleep.
And even Isaac is napping now too, again, which is unusal, because he doesn't usually take another nap once he's napped already. But he was screaming while Sofi was napping (a bad habit he has started to do more and more, and which I'm afraid he passed on to Russell's 8-month son while we were in the Black Hills visiting), so I told him to take the outdoor voice outside, and he screamed at me in response, so I took him outside on the porch and shut the door... his time out for screaming. Well he didn't like that at all, and when his minute time out was done he was very sorry, very sniffly, and once comforted he walked over to the spot on the floor where he left his bear blanket, picked it up, walked to his room, motioned to his crib, and proceeded to fall asleep.
So here I am, with two children amazingly napping at the same time, and it isn't even lunch time yet. A very unusual day, to be sure.
PS: Sofi started karate class at the YMCA last night. I work at the Coop on Tuesday evenings, so I couldn't be there. But Mary took her, and I'll try to get her to blog about it. Why karate you ask? Basically because of the wonder of books, really. Sofi checked out a book from the library in which a girl learns karate. And this sparked her interest. So we thought we'd let her try it. As Mary would tell it, based on the militaristic manner the first class was run, this isn't something that would appeal to neither her nor I. But Sofi really liked it, so for now we are trying to stay open to it.
Labels: book 'em, health, isaac, sofi