Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Home Sick

I went to pick Sofi up from daycare yesterday, and was surprised to find that, just like all the other children, she too was actually napping. Out of the entire school year, this has only happened two other times. And it should have been a tip off. So when Mary took her temperature last night and it come back repeatedly over 100, it really wasn't a surprise, as she'd been tired and low-key all day yesterday (and snuggly too, it was kind of nice really).

Isaac has had a runny nose for over a week now, and added to his symptoms last Friday with a really bad cough. His energy level never really faltered however, and his appetite didn't seem to be affected either (though it can be hard to tell, as he'll commonly not eat much if he doesn't like what we are serving). So he yesterday I was thinking he was getting better. But shortly after going to bed last night I heard him calling for me, and went to his room to find he'd spat up a bit, and him declaring "Ondee, ucky" ["Andy, yucky"]. And yes, it was a bit yucky, but there wasn't really much there, and he had been coughing quite a bit, so I chalked it up to a bad mix of coughing and a bed time snack, and decided he'd still be going to daycare the next day. So I set him on the rocking chair and went to work on cleaning his crib. In short order the sheets were changed and I picked him up to rock him back to sleep. In hindsight my next move proved to be prophetic, or self-fulfilling depending on how one looks at it—I decided just to be safe that I would find an old burp cloth and spread it out between us.

No sooner had I put it over my shoulder and down my front does Isaac not only loose all of his bedtime snack, but his supper as well. And guess what! I grabbed the burp cloth and caught most of it (not all, but thankfully most of it).

The rule book states kids aren't suppose to go to school nor daycare for 24 hours after a fever or after vomiting. So here we are, at home. Sofi tells me mom said she should watch movies all day, to which Sofi responds "Mom's so silly." I know this isn't true, but I'm surprised on how Sofi is trying to spin it: making Mom out to be the one with the silly idea. We have watched one movie, but have spent the rest of the time reading books and simply hanging out. My ability to get anything done has been zero, and one would think such should be the case when your kids are sick and in need of care. But the thing is the need for care, well, that was last night. This is a new day. And their energy level today would leave you wondering if I'd been lying when I called the school and the daycare to say my kids were sick.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Sofi just started gymnastics class today, after taking a two year break. She was very excited, and skipped as she headed to her first class.

She behaved a lot better than she did two years ago, when she wasn't willing to wait her turn nor listen to the teacher. I didn't bring my camera this time, so I'll try to get some next week.


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

At Least That's Done

We just finished one really crabby morning.

To start things off Sofi couldn't sleep in her own room and decided to sleep next to mom on the floor beside her bed, which I'm sure meant waking mother up to tell her she didn't want to sleep in her own room.

And then Isaac woke at 3:00 am calling for "Mommy", and despite the fact that she held him in the rocking chair for a half hour, Isaac never really stopped calling for Mommy after that until Mommy was finally willing to get up with him around 5:45 am

As is the norm, the first thing Isaac wants to do when he gets up—irregardless of what time no matter how early—is eat breakfast. This means Cheerios. He always wants Cheerios. And the "race car spoon".

This "race car spoon", a child's spoon branded by Disney with the headlining automobile from the movie Cars is proving to be the bane of our morning routine. A most regrettable purchase, even though I bought it on sale probably before Isaac was born.

How can a spoon raise so much ire? When it becomes a source of whining, complaining, tears and competition between siblings. Which is exactly what this spoon does, and is exactly what exploded when Sofi woke up after her brother this morning only to find this "race car spoon" had been claimed and was in use.

So Sofi was melting down, refusing to eat or do anything to get herself ready for school, and did such a good job of this that Isaac was able to eat his entire breakfast during the meltdown. Sofi finally relented when I cleaned up Isaac, cleaned off the spoon, and then gave it to her to eat her bowl of cereal with. But the cereal wasn't the exact flavor she wanted (we only had mini-wheats, and she wanted the cocoa crispies that she'd finished off the morning before), so there was MORE protesting.

Finally she sits down at the breakfast table, only to have Isaac start SCREAMING because he has just discovered that Sofi is using the "race car spoon".

And the thing about this spoon is that, to be honest, Sofi showed NO interest in it until about two weeks ago when she noticed that her brother was always wanting it.



The Sleeping Beauty

Despite the fact that she spent the night sleeping on the floor (or as she puts it, sleeping in her "fort"... read: sleeping bag on the floor surrounded by toys and boxes) when Sofi woke up this morning, before she even moved a muscle, she declared "I LOVE SLEEPING!"

She then followed that up by adding "I wish I didn't have to go to school or daycare, so I could just sleep!"

That's our Sofi: five going on fifteen.

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