Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Pratical Joker

This weekend Mary and the kids and I went to Red Wing to celebrate a couple of birthdays: my mother's and my own. My parents and my sisters were all there. My father cooked some pork on the rotisserie of his new grill, Mary made a salad, my mother prepared vegetables in a crock pot, my Grandma Kraay who wasn't able to join us baked us a cake, and we all sat down to enjoy the meal around noon.

After lunch we opened gifts. Michelle brought out two gift bags that had been waiting on the kitchen counter, both brightly colored and filled with colorful tissue paper, one a with a card that read "Andy" and the other without a visible card, but assumed to be for my mother.

I was told I could go first, so I did, opening the card that my sister had picked out. The card actually held the gift, not the bag, which was a gift card toward an iPod I've been thinking of getting.

Next my mom opened her gift, with most everyone around the table interested to find out what it was. My mom discovers the card inside, in an envelope with her name on it, but oddly the envelope has already been ripped open, and her name is written in hand-writing not owned by anyone in the family. My mom starts to laugh. Inside is a note, but this one in a different hand-writing: Sofi's handwriting. And then my mom digs through the gift bag to find her "gift": one of Jake's chew toys!

Turns out the "gift" bag was fake! Sofi had concocted the ENTIRE thing, without telling anyone! Here the whole family was gathered around the dining room table, my Dad wondering what his kids had gotten his wife, my sister wondering what her brother and sister-in-law had gotten her mom, and Mary and I wondering what Michelle hadn't gotten for my mom. And the entire time it was a gift Sofi had thrown together from things she'd found around the house (old envelope included!), threw into a gift bag (also scavenged) and planted on the kitchen counter next to the other gift bag... without telling anyone! Sofi was one HUGE grin from ear to ear the entire time, and thought the whole thing INCREDIBLY funny. So did Grandma D!

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