Monday, February 1, 2010

Car Accident

Isaac was hit by a school bus while at day care today.

It isn't really as bad as it sounds, certainly not as bad as I just typed it up above. And he's taking it quite well really.

You see, it was a toy. A toy school bus.

Isaac and another friend were lying on the floor after their naps, pushing this toy school bus back and forth to each other. And on that last push his friend pushed a little too hard, and Isaac (one might say) missed the bus. It came to an abrupt stop after slamming into his left eye.

There were tears, and the day care care-givers applied an ice pack and some TLC, and gave me a call to let me know what happened. By the time I arrived he was fine. The swelling was down. All that was really visible was a very slight bruise and a scrape on his lower eye lid where the bus made impact. And he was fine, no longer crying, out and about in the room.

We took him into pediatrics anyway, and they decided it would be best to have Dr. Weber look at him. So she did. We joked with her that Isaac had a "car accident", and then Isaac spoke up and gave me the idea for this blog: "I ga' hit by a school bus." All in the room thought that was pretty funny. Among other procedures, Sofi's favorite and my favorite were when she put some yellow liquid in his eye and turned off all the lights and turned on a black light. His long eye-lashes glowed all yellow in the dark (very cool); as did the lunch that never was wiped up around his mouth (kinda gross); as did a slight scratch on his eye (the yellow liquid pooled on the scratch, revealing it so the doctor could see it). Thankfully the scratch was in the white of the eye, so there was no concern regarding his vision. The doctor decided to prescribe some ointment for the eye anyway, just so the scratch would heal faster.

Dr. Weber recommended no swimming today, due to the scratch, so he missed a swimming lesson. So while Sofi had her swimming lesson, Isaac and I went to the YMCA's Family Fun Center, and he ran like a dog that got loose from his leash—certainly not like a kid who had been hit in the eye by a school bus.



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