Tuesday, March 24, 2009

At Least That's Done

We just finished one really crabby morning.

To start things off Sofi couldn't sleep in her own room and decided to sleep next to mom on the floor beside her bed, which I'm sure meant waking mother up to tell her she didn't want to sleep in her own room.

And then Isaac woke at 3:00 am calling for "Mommy", and despite the fact that she held him in the rocking chair for a half hour, Isaac never really stopped calling for Mommy after that until Mommy was finally willing to get up with him around 5:45 am

As is the norm, the first thing Isaac wants to do when he gets up—irregardless of what time no matter how early—is eat breakfast. This means Cheerios. He always wants Cheerios. And the "race car spoon".

This "race car spoon", a child's spoon branded by Disney with the headlining automobile from the movie Cars is proving to be the bane of our morning routine. A most regrettable purchase, even though I bought it on sale probably before Isaac was born.

How can a spoon raise so much ire? When it becomes a source of whining, complaining, tears and competition between siblings. Which is exactly what this spoon does, and is exactly what exploded when Sofi woke up after her brother this morning only to find this "race car spoon" had been claimed and was in use.

So Sofi was melting down, refusing to eat or do anything to get herself ready for school, and did such a good job of this that Isaac was able to eat his entire breakfast during the meltdown. Sofi finally relented when I cleaned up Isaac, cleaned off the spoon, and then gave it to her to eat her bowl of cereal with. But the cereal wasn't the exact flavor she wanted (we only had mini-wheats, and she wanted the cocoa crispies that she'd finished off the morning before), so there was MORE protesting.

Finally she sits down at the breakfast table, only to have Isaac start SCREAMING because he has just discovered that Sofi is using the "race car spoon".

And the thing about this spoon is that, to be honest, Sofi showed NO interest in it until about two weeks ago when she noticed that her brother was always wanting it.




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