Where did March go?

A fine time was had by all at Easter. Sofi got a brand new beautiful yellow Easter dress of which she was very proud and another headband which she is (reluctantly) learning to put on "from the front" so it actually holds hair back instead of putting it on from the back where it pushes all the hair forward into her face. She made us all Easter Bunny Salads as part of our dinner using a half pear for the the bunny and cottage cheese for the cotton tail. I did notice that you have to be very careful in the placement of the almond half ears and clove eyes, or you end up with what looks like Easter mice instead of Easter bunnies.
Isaac was all spiffed up as well thanks to Grandma D. Although, by the end of the day he resembled a miniature partier that stayed too long at some wedding reception with his overall rumpled look: onesie undershirt hanging out of his pants, pants hanging quite low, dress shirt sleeves rolled up and sweater vest a bit stained, staggering around giggling.
I think that at this point, for Sofi, Easter is really just another excuse to get more candy either with or without our permission. Out of the blue she asked me the other night, "So, Mom, when you were a little girl my age did you sneak candy in the morning before YOUR mom and dad were awake?" Hmmm.... why do you ask my love? Tempted to give her a "holier than thou" answer and take advantage of the perfect guilt opportunity, I decided to take the honest approach. I told her that I really didn't remember, but we rarely had candy around our house and if there was some there for Easter I probably did try to sneak some. I think it best that she realize at an early age that no one is perfect. But I hope she didn't interpret that as permission! One thing I have to give her, at least she's being quiet about it and letting us get some sleep!
She is trying every possible approach, from telling us the plan ("OK, so after we get home I get to have some candy") to cajoling us into it ("Hey I was thinking that it would be fun to watch a movie and then have some candy! Wouldn't that be fun?! Should we do that?"). One of the more entertaining was when she sidled up to us on the couch, laid her elbow on my belly with her face in her hand and said "So..... ya got any candy?" (actually she might have been asking for applesauce that time but it was equally funny). I was a little surprised she didn't add a "little lady" onto that request with a wink, like she was buttering up the bartender.

For our spring break we spent a few extra days up at Andy's parents house and visited the Minnesota Zoo, the Children's Museum, and friends in the Twin Cities. That was a lot of fun and the kids loved it although it did end up to be quite a bit of driving. I finished the book "eat, pray, love" by Elizabeth Gilbert which I would recommend highly (especially to all of my 30something friends). Andy and I also got to watch most of the movie "Six Degrees" (or something like that.... about global warming) and were blown away be the pivotal time we live in and desperately hope that 1) it's not too late to save the planet for our kids and 2) that a vast majority of people will make the neccesary changes in order to do so. We also listened to Barack Obama's "A More Perfect Union" speech and some of his autobiography in the car (when kids were asleep) and are becoming stronger supporters the more we get to know him and his leanings. The best part of the break however was spending time together and with friends both in the Twin Cities and LaCrosse. So nice and refreshing to take the time to laugh and comiserate over a bottle of wine.
Thank God (and the School District:-) for Spring Break!