Thursday, March 6, 2008

Isaac's 15th Month

  • First words (see below)

The following foods trump everything else right now:
Cottage cheese

Has started showing an allergic reaction to some food: it is either red peppers, dairy in general, buttermilk or cultured milk. Have a hard time believing it is dairy since he drinks three bottles of whole milk every day, but it does seem more and more like dairy of some sort is the culprit

Is signing "all done" and "bottle", and readily waves bye-bye. And has on two occasions approached his dad and pointed at his butt to let him know that his diaper was dirty---and he was telling the truth!

Along the topic of communication: Isaac now shows his dislike of anything that you do or try to give/feed him that he doesn't want by blowing raspberries at you.

Communication and his understanding of words has taken off. If I announce "Time to go!" he heads to the back door and sits down, waiting to have his coat put on. If I announce "Bath time!" he heads straight to the tub. Seems like you can ask him most any yes/no question and he is able to give an answer by nodding or shaking his head (thought I'm not certain we are always getting the correct answer, because may not be understanding the words... but he does understand he should answer with a nod or a shake of the head).

Also has started using two words in correct context. He has been using words for a while, but this is the first time he has started to use words in correct context and at the correct times, not simply for any and everything. Those words are "up", which he now uses when ever he wants to be picked up or helped up onto something, and "hat" which he uses when he sees my hat and wants to take it off my head.

Showing an increasing like/love of music... likes to bop his head and wave his hands when music is playing, especially when he is in his car seat and we are driving somewhere. Also likes to get up and dance to the theme songs of kids shows that Sofi watches. (After the theme song is over he could care less about the TV).

Showing an interest in books. Frequently this past month he has carried a book into the family room from his bedroom, pointing at it, and smiles happily when I sit him on my lap to read it.

Showing more interest in playing with toys... even seems to be making the "vroom-vroom" sound effect when playing with cars.

Climbing up and down stairs without a problem.

Mary's belief that Isaac is a "Daddy's boy" has gotten more backing this past month---several times Isaac has clung to his Dad or insisted on being with Dad even when Mom is more than willing and able to hold him and take care of him.

For more photos of Isaac, check out

If you can think of anything else that Isaac has done/accomplished this past month, please feel free to add a comment below (for those of you who view this blog on the website)....

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