Thursday, March 6, 2008

The Favorite

For Sofia's birthday her cousins and Aunt Tami and Uncle Dave gave her inter-locking floor tiles, and on each tile is a number and a Disney princess. Needless to say, a big hit.

She often takes them out to play with (they make a good hop-scotch board), and so we are often putting them away as well. And I've noticed that every time we do so she always reserves one particular tile that displays one particular princess for the top of the pile. The other day when I without thinking tried to put this princess into the middle of the pile Sofia got mad at me.

Today I went into her room to discover one of these tiles on display on her dresser, next to the photo of her mother as a bride's maid in Susie's wedding. But it wasn't the same princess that always takes the top spot in the pile.

So while we were putting clothes away in her closet I just had to know. I asked her "What princess is your favorite?"

Without hesitation Sofi replied "Snow White", which is the one that always is reserved for the top of the pile (it was Cinderella on display in her room). But she immediately followed her answer with an unsolicited explanation, "...because she wears the most lipstick".

While I am a bit taken aback that Sofi is already paying attention to such things, I shouldn't be too surprised since this is the girl who constantly begging to wear some lip gloss we have squirreled away. And those ruby lips, even the Queen envied those!

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