Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Sofi is home sick watching an old superheroes video. I comment that wonderwoman looks cold. "that's because she doesn't have a@@drewmarkcreative.ftae@blogger.com ny clothes on!" She intelligently observes.


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I just heard Mary say: ''And don't wipe boogers on that dress....''


Thursday, November 5, 2009

Home Sick

Sofi is home sick, again. She asked to watch TV, so I turned on PBS. The last few minutes of Sesame Street were on, so she watched that, but after a few announcements from sponsors it changed to a show about southern Gulf states; not exactly kid-fare like Word Girl or CyberChase.

Listening to the show in the background I was thinking it sounded pretty dry, and was about to get up and show some sympathy and put in a DVD when I heard "Wow! Mississippi is a BIG state!" and looked up to find Sofi engrossed. So I let it go, went outside to rake, and let Sofi continue to soak up the trivia being dispensed about our Gulf states.

While raking outside Sofi came out later to tell me what she wanted to do for her birthday. Knowing PBS, I quickly figured this was leading to another birthday party at Chuck E Cheese, since they are a frequent sponsor of kids programming on PBS (talk about hitching a rotten wagon to an excellent horse; utter marketing genius). But instead she surprised me: "For my birthday... can we go to a museum... with a mastodon?"

Thank you, PBS. My check's in the mail.

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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

You May Be a Red Neck If...

So we are driving home from school the other day, and I look into the rear view mirror to find Sofi flossing her teeth... with her hair.

And then on the weekend we were raking up the leaves in our front yard, when suddenly I realize I've lost track of Sofi. She isn't anywhere to be found. I look around a bit... and find her under the topper of our pickup, which is currently off the pickup and leaning against the house—a make-shift shelter. A make-shelter that is perfect, it turns out, for copping a squat... because I look up just in time to see her bare bum, yanking up her pants.

'Suppose I should be grateful that she at least had the decency to seek out a little privacy under the pick-up topper.

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Monday, November 2, 2009

Local Celebrity

I returned home from a TV interview for the madrigal dinner and the kids greeted me at the door. Sofi said she waved at me on TV and wondered if I saw her and Isaac laughed and said I looked funny!

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Kiss the Hand

I asked Isaac for a bedtime kiss tonight and instead got the hand in my face pushing me away, and was told: "Kiss the hand". I countered "But I need a kiss from my favorite son!"

After a dramatic pause I was answered with an even more dramatic... "KISS ME!"

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